Imaginative, colorful as its cover, this collaboration between two musicians, Sylvia Hallett, a name well known in the British underground spontaneous music and Anna Homler, American, also known in the underground scene of Los Angeles.

This album sees the light after a long gestation since 2002, the year of the first collaboration / improvisation duo, arrives today. Elements sweet, from lunar memories are reflected in environmental drones and voices. Minimalist noise elements, muted sounds of marimba and noises, as in the great Vishnu’s Pond, to give carnal substance archaic divinity. Elements of the work of Philip Glass and Meredith Monk (Sea Of Vapours, which opens the album makes devout homage with sinuous twists of whispering voices and violins), but also by Pascal Comelade (the accordion irresistible in Jolly Chondra) and some Nordic folk converge with extraordinary formal unity despite the linguistic diversity in an album smells of genius where elements of folk, electronic (the final song, Les Perdues, symphonic poem for analog synthesizers, is a tribute to the first, vast Tangerine Dream), contemporary classical, noise are syncretic life in a universe full of emotional depth, humor and rare musical intelligence. from Not to be missed.

Un album a dir poco fantasioso, multicolore come la sua copertina, questa collaborazione tra due musiciste, l’inglese Sylvia Hallett, nome assai noto nell’ambiente della musica spontanea underground britannica e Anna Homler, americana, anche lei nota nella scena underground di Los Angeles. Questo album vede la luce dopo una lunga gestazione che dal 2002, anno della prima collaborazione/improvvisazione del duo, arriva a oggi. Elementi dolcissimi, provenienti da memorie lunari trovano riscontro in droni ambientali e ninannanne vocali. Noise, elementi minimalisti, tenui suoni di marimba e rumore, come nella notevole Vishnu’s Pond ,a dare carnale sostanza all’arcaica divinità. Elementi del lavoro di Philip Glass e di Meredith Monk (Sea Of Vapours, che apre l’album ne rende devoto omaggio con sinuosi intrecci di voci sussurrate e violini), ma anche di Pascal Comelade (la fisarmonica irresistibile in Jolly Chondra) e di certo folk nordico confluiscono con straordinaria unità formale pur nella diversità linguistica in un album che profuma di genio dove elementi folk, elettronica (il brano finale, Les Perdues, poema sinfonico per sintetizzatori analogici, è un omaggio ai primi, immensi Tangerine Dream), classica contemporanea, noise trovano sincretica vita in un universo ricco di profondità emotiva, humour e rara intelligenza musicale. Da  non perdere.

Anna Homler (voice and toys), Chris Cundy (reeds), and Rich West (drums).

Cundy | Homler | West

Friday, November 16, 2012
7 pm

DOWNTOWN LA  |  213.488.0599 


Triple Echo

Anna Homler, Rich West, Chris Cundy
This is when it starts to get interesting. While all three of these new-thing / artmusik / sonar-poetics stars have shared bills at various times over the years, the experimental sound trio of Cundy, Homler, West have never actually played together, and so they’ve decided to do just that. When these sympathetic souls combine their mad, mad skills, there’s no telling what’s going to happen, which of course can be an excellent thing. Anna Homler is a vocal, visual and performance artist who has been known to invent her own languages; she often plays her collection of antiques, toys and curios thru a variety of digital delays/FX, so perhaps she’ll do that again; drummer Rich West currently and for the foreseeable future does reign supreme in the Los Angeles improvised music scene; English sax and bass clarinet improviser Chris Cundy currently graces doom-soul band Cold Specks (who’re playing at the Getty on November 17 –– also highly recommended). Fri., Nov. 16, 7 p.m.; at The Last Bookstore, 453 S. Spring St., ground floor (entrance on 5th St.). Yes, it’s free, and there’s street and lot parking available